Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Be Financially Prepared for a Disaster

From the Blog:

By the Federal Emergency Management Agency
If a disaster struck your neighborhood, you would only have seconds or minutes to react. Is that enough time to find your homeowners insurance policy, bank account information, or backup your financial software? Probably not.
Financial responsibilities don’t stop when disasters hit. Even if your house is destroyed, you still must pay your mortgage. And, failing to pay bills or loan payments could wreck your credit just when you need it most.
Some of your neighbors, relatives and friends are prepared. Thousands of Americans just like you have made financial disaster plans and have included their important documents in their home disaster supply kits.
Being financially ready for a disaster is easy. Here are four steps you can take to get started today:
  1. Visit to access tools and resources that will help you prepare financially for emergencies.
  2. Join the National Preparedness Coalition to access a national network of community partners seeking to strengthen disaster preparedness efforts.
  3. Download the Consumer Action Handbook, a comprehensive tool that provides guidance on how to recover after a disaster and information on other important financial aspects of your life.
  4. Visit for tools and tips on ways to speak with youth on the importance of getting an early start on financial literacy.
When you’re financially ready for a disaster you’ll be able to get back on your feet faster.

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